Medical Fetish Procedures & Equipment available at naughty Nurse Nasty’s Clinic
Nurse Nasty’s Clinic can accommodate and perform a wide range of medical fetish and examination procedures from mild to extreme.
All procedures are performed with your safety in mind although mental & physical comfort is not guaranteed. <wicked grin>
Anal dilation (ass & anal play)
Basic Examination
Castration Fantasies& Infibulation
Catheterizing & Bladder Irrigation
Chastity Devices
Dental & Oral Exams
Electrical Testing & Neural Stimulation
Injections & Needle Play
Light & Sound Therapy
Prostate Exam
Scrotal Infusion
Suction Cupping
Surgery (mock) & Cuttings
Suturing & Surgical Stapling
Urethral Dilation & Sounding
Anal dilation (ass and anal play)
This is one of the most popular and sought after procedures performed in Nurse Nasty’s clinic and one of my favorite realms to explore!! The prostate is an incredibly rich erotic zone and I enjoy introducing men to the joys of “male g spot stimulation”. But even beyond the sexual stimulation factor, most of us carry a tremendous amount of stress in our asses as well as emotional baggage that can be trapped in the body here, and one of the best places to effect deep relaxation, healing and contentment, is through anal / root massage. The incomparable massage / touch teacher and gifted healer, Chester Mainard, said some thing to the effect of; if he only had five minutes to give a massage to someone that trusted him, and he wanted to get the deepest relaxation results possible, he would massage the ass. I absolutely agree!
I have studied these techniques with Chester and others through the Body Electric School for over 7 years now, and very much enjoy sharing what I have learned with others one on one as well as with couples or small groups in class setting. If you would like to learn self anal massage techniques or techniques you can use with a partner, I strongly suggest checking out the videos listed here that are offered from the New School of Erotic Touch!
Generally, “root work” involves the use of a lot of lube, (you can almost never use too much lube here) and a variety of medical instruments as well as some “anatomical models”. (That’s medicalese for dildos, strap on’s, vibrators & butt plugs).
Some people I have worked with simply enjoy a feeling of fullness there so inflatable toys can really make them happy, others enjoy the rhythmic thrusting of being “fucked” there, and for some it goes beyond the physical sensation of the act and can speak to them on a more psychological level that comes from being vulnerable and penetrated. For many this is a humiliating act (but one they enjoy very much) and for others it can be almost spiritually intimate and take them to a deeper place of surrender than they get from any other activity.
I am often asked to fulfill rough sex or rape fantasies and this is one area where I dislike being sadistic. I feel we as a society already carry to much shame and pain in our asses and while I do enjoy fulfilling people’s desires, I prefer to work much more slowly and compassionately with the anus more often than not. For a more detailed explanation of why I approach this area in particular the way that I do please see my Anal play segment on my main site Suzanne SxySadist. Another truly wonderful article on the why’s and hows of Ass & Anal Play can be found on the Medical Toy’s Site.
Please note: Nurse Nasty does NOT like to deal with unnecessary nastiness because it makes it far less of a pleasant experience for us both. Also, psychologically most people feel far more comfortable and relaxed exploring anal massage if they have the peace of mind that they are “clean”. If you wish to engage in this procedure with her, it is strongly suggested that you give yourself a nice warm soapy enema BEFORE you arrive at her office or chances are very good you will wish that you had! All insertables are of course disinfected before and after use and protectively covered during insertion for your safety!
Basic Examination
Most of my appointments start with a good basic examination which helps set the mood and establishes right up front that I am here to thoroughly check you out!
I will check your heart rate, pulse, blood pressure, pupil dilation, general reflexes, look at your tonsils, ears etc before moving onto most interesting procedures like checking for hernias. (You do remember how to cough right?)
Castration Fantasies & Infibulation
Just how attached are you to those little family jewels of yours? Do you dream about them no longer being attached to you!? Silly question? Many of you might be surprised to learn that castration is something many of my patients fantasize about.
Although I do NOT actually perform castrations, I do very much enjoy role playing and pretending to enact this procedure. One of my favorite ways to accomplish this is by infibulation, which is the act of suturing or stapling the genitals in such a way as to make them seem, well in a word.. gone!
The good news is at the end of the day, the sutures can come out and everything is just as fine as it was when I started. I think it might be fun to catheterize someone first and keep them that way for several days to a week! Any takers?
Foley Catheters & Bladder Irrigation
Many of my patients have told me one of the most humiliating things they can imagine, is not having control over your own bodily functions. Of course, one of the simplest ways of accomplishing that is with a foley catheter and a bag.
Foley’s (for those unfamiliar) have a little balloon that is inflated inside of you with sterile water that prevents the catheter from coming out until it is deflated. Once the catheter is inserted and expanded, you will be peeing into a little bag for me until I decide otherwise.
Bladder Irrigation works similarly, but opposite. Once a catheter is inserted, the nurse is able to then fill your bladder with sterile saline solution and make you feel like you have to take the biggest damn leak of your life and then can force you to hold it and hold it and hold it by simply clamping the tubing. While this may not sound like much fun for some, it is deliciously sadistic and a fabulous mind fuck for those that really enjoy helplessness at the hands of their medical maven.
The site has an excellent instructional article on how to play with Catheters.
Chastity Devices
Ok so maybe the idea of having your cock removed or stitched up doesn’t work for you, but what if it were locked in a cage and you were subjected to enforced chastity at the hands of a wicked nurse?
I have several types of chastity devices that I can employ to be sure that you obey and behave if that is “what the doctor orders”. The one pictured here is “The Curve”.
You may also wish to inquire about my Key Holding Service for those of you that wish to find out what it would be like to extend this particular procedure.
Dental & Oral Exams
I don’t think there is anyone alive that has not felt the dread that accompanies a visit to the most well known sadists of all: The Dentist!
Well, although I do not drill or pull teeth, I do very much enjoy screwing around a bit with people’s mouths on occasion.
Of course, since I also like to ensure that I am able to work properly I often have to make use of some lovely little steel dental gags like the one pictured here. Say “Ahhh” for me sweetie.
Electrical Testing & Neural Stimulation
This is definitely a specialty area for naughty Nurse Nasty!
Electrical stimulation can take many forms and be used on a variety of body parts, some with far more interesting results than others.
Nurse Nasty owns a wide assortment of electrical stimulation devices (TENs, Folsom, Hot Boxx, Erostek, Violet Wand) and an even wider array of attachments to go with these devices. offers an excellent article on Electro Stimulation!
Injections & Needle Play
Mmm, needles! Sharp, nasty, painful little things that Nurse Nasty finds particularly delicious to use. Naturally, she uses only sterile brand new, single use acupuncture, hypodermic & spinal tap needles. The long spinal tap needles are wonderful for testicular skewering!
Nurse Nasty of course also follows all universal protocols surrounding any activity that involves potentially hazardous body fluids to insure your safety and hers.
So, where do you think she might stick them? There are extremely few body parts that she has not run needles through, including directly though both testicles with a 6 inch spinal tap needle. So if you are up for a challenge and enjoy delightfully extreme medical play, perhaps you will love needles as much as she does.
My main site has an informational article on the whys and hows of Needle Play.
Light & Sound Therapy
The Nova Pro 100 effects the brain through light and sound and will take you out of this world without the use of any chemicals. It can also be used for relaxation, meditation, learning, peak performance, inducing sleep, reducing stress, increasing energy level, and it has also been used to treat seasonal depression.
Nurse Nasty has also found some other benefits to owning this bizarre little device. After restraining her patient comfortably to her medical table, mummified or bound in a straitjacket, or even in a vacuum bed she can add the light glasses and headphones and transport you into other mental realms. Really Yummy!
Prostate Exam
Prostate exam and exploration is a definite favorite of many of my “patients”! The prostate is a small gland, about the size and shape of a large walnut. It (like the female G spot can be very difficult to reach yourself with out the use of “toys” although it is possible to stimulate it from outside the body also through the perineum. (The space between your testicles and you asshole.)
There are two internal routes you can take to apply direct pressure to the prostate; one is through anal play, the other is through urethral sounding or catheterization.
but if you had a partner to help you look you would slide a finger inside the anus and then curl your fingers towards the front of the body.
There are several ways to reach and or apply pressure to this little jewel and naughty Nurse Nasty enjoys trying them all!
The most common route is of course through the anus but did you know that you can also reach this baby with a urethral sound? (more info on those soon)
Can you imagine a double whammy of being anally and urethrally probed at once and vibrating the prostate front and back? This can be accomplished with a vibrating toy in the rectum and a vibrating urethral sound pictured here to the right. Definitely a winning combination!
Scrotal Infusion
This, unfortunately, is something Nurse Nasty rarely gets to perform because so few of her patients want to go home and explain to someone why their ball sac is as big (or bigger) than a very large grapefruit!
(Gee, I can’t imagine why that is, can you?) I mean after all it’s only a little bit (anywhere from 250 – 1000 ml) of saline and it is usually completely gone with in 24 – 36 hours. Haven’t you always wanted bigger balls? Well, here is your chance to really impress your friends and family!
Suction Cupping
Cupping sets have been used as medical devices for a very long time and come in a couple of styles. There are the type with a vacuum pump pictured to the right as well as fire cupping sets which use heat to create the suction.
Both kinds can feel absolutely marvelous on the skin and are especially fun to use on nipples since the suction makes them wonderfully sensitive after a short while.
Surgery (mock) & Cuttings
Have an operating room fantasy? Nurse Nasty would LOVE to role play it with you! But please keep in mind, although Nurse Nasty’s clinic includes razor sharp scalpels, she does only very mild (shallow) cuttings so please do not ask for anything more extreme than superficial play.
Suturing & Surgical Stapling
Even though Nurse Nasty does not do deep cuttings, or actual surgical procedures, she sure does like stitching things other than her clothes on occasion! Like balls and penises to abdomens etc! (see also Castration & Infibulation above)
Urethral Dilation & Sounding
The word “sound” in this case does not refer to the noise the patient makes as the cold steel rod is slid into the urethra, but rather from the term as it relates to checking depth as in: “How deep into your cock do you think Nurse Nasty can shove this cold steel rod?”
Either way, “sounds” like fun, huh? Actually, more of my patients than not, really enjoy the sensation associated with “sounding”.
The rods are sterilized and well lubricated using individual sterile packets of surgical lube and then very slowly inserted down the urethra. When this is combined with vibration and or electrical play surrounding the prostate the effect can be mind blowing. But don’t take her word for it, make an appointment and see for yourself!
I strongly advise against experimenting with this area of play yourself unless you have had proper training and PLEASE never stick anything down there that was not designed to go there! I know of at least one person that has had extremely bad experiences from experimenting with things not designed for this purpose. This link from has more information on procedures and protocols associated with Urethral Sounds.